Press releases
More than
Just a workplace
Serving the people
Protection of
the Constitution
the Constitution
Preventing and countering threats to the fundamental mechanisms and values of the nation and
Transnational Threats
Preventing and countering penetration of Romanian political, economic, financial, and
government structures of...
Economic Security
A performing, competitive and stable economy is vital pillar of national security...
Research, development, technological innovation
Research, development and innovation for the purpose of ensuring technological independence
have been a requirement ...
Cyber intelligence
One of the more recently assigned missions of SRI is to prevent and counter cyber threats
against critical infrastructures...
Protection of Classified Information
Protecting state secret information handled by public authorities and institutions, as well
as by legal persons...
Preventing and Countering Terrorism
SRI is national authority in preventing and countering terrorism as well as of armed flight
Identifying, preventing, and countering espionage activities and intelligence collection by
foreign intelligence services...
SRI carries out educational campaigns on risks and threats to national security.
Analysis and Information
We have the task to obtain information, centralize it and share it with our legal
Civil Aviation Security
Screeners conducting screening process at all civil aviations airports in Romania are
military personnel of the Antiterrorist Brigade, a specialized unit of...
Social media