Here you can find answers to frequently asked questions.
About Us
SRI is the main intelligence service in Romania, specialized in homeland intelligence gathering, assessment and management. Its mission is to know, prevent and counter national security threats, as defined by law.
SRI is part of the national defense, public order and security system.
The role of SRI, as defined by Law 51/1991 (subsequently modified and completed) regarding the national security of Romania and Law 14/1992 (subsequently modified and completed) regarding the organisation and functioning of the Romanian Intelligence Service, is to contribute to our national security, together with all the other national responsible institutions, by countering economic, social and political threats, and also to protect the fundamental rights and liberties of the Romanian citizens.
According to the law, intelligence reports on national security matters can be conveyed to the following beneficiaries:
- the Chairman of the Senate, the Chairman of the Chamber of Deputies and also the members of defense and public order standing committees of the Romanian Parliament;
- Ministers and heads of departments within ministries, when our intelligence regards their fields of responsibility;
- County Prefects, the Mayor of Bucharest, chairmen of county councils and the council of Bucharest on topics within their responsibility;
- Criminal proceeding bodies, in case of intelligence reports on crimes;
- The Supreme Council of National Defense regarding matters of national security, given its role in organising and coordinating the Service.
Intelligence reports are approved by the Director of SRI.
SRI has legal responsibilities in the following fields: preventing and countering terrorism, cyber intelligence, defending constitutional values, counter-espionage, economic security, trans-border threats, protection of classified information, and transportation of classified and unclassified official correspondence.
In order to fulfill its mission, SRI works with all the other bodies responsible for national security: Ministry of Interior, Foreign Intelligence Service, Protection and Guard Service, Ministry of National Defense, Ministry of Justice, Special Telecommunications Service, Public Ministry, Foreign Affairs Ministry, Ministry of Economy, Customs Authority and other public administration bodies.
SRI also coordinates the National System for Preventing and Countering Terrorism (SNPCT) on a technical level.
Moreover, with the approval of the Supreme Council of National Defense, SRI cooperates with foreign partner services and organizations and is a member of the world's top intelligence clubs.
Intelligence services worldwide are low profile actors, whose missions are protected by national law. All SRI missions are classified as state secret.Its activities remain in the shadow most of the time. In fact, we have to keep the secret of our work even after we left the Service, in order to protect the state secret.
According to Law 14/1992 regarding the organization and activity of the Romanian Intelligence Service, SRI’s activity is placed under parliamentary control. The Joint Standing Oversight Committee of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate responsible with supervising SRI’s activity has to analyze any infringement of constitutional and legal provisions by SRI. All documents issued by the Joint Standing Committee are considered state secret, while its members have to obey legal provisions referred to the protection of state secrets and all data and information they have access to.
By law, SRI’s employees are not allowed to be members of any political or secret parties or organizations or to be used for political purposes. All SRI missions are strictly within its legal responsibilities and therefore, they remain neutral from a political point of view. No actions of SRI are meant to promote or injure in any way the interests of political parties or of any natural or legal person, except, of course, in cases where their actions are against national security.
SRI employs professionals in different fields who believe in its mission to contribute to the national security and to the security of all Romanians, and who reach high standards of professional and moral achievements. Their actions are guided by patriotism, honor and courage.
According to the law, we cannot confirm or deny a person’s affiliation to our institution, this information being excepted from citizens’ free access, by Article 12 paragraph (1) a) and d) of the Law 544/2001. Also, according to Law 223/2002 approving Government Ordinance No. 33/2002 on certificates issued by central and local authorities, our institution can provide our former employees with documents to prove their affiliation to the institution.
By law, SRI’s personnel is made of standing military employees and civil employees with operative and administrative tasks. Operative personnel is involved in open or covert missions, as required by national security needs, according to the law.
The Romanian Intelligence Service cannot be involved in criminal proceedings, it cannot detain or keep persons in pre-trial custody and it does not have of any detention places. Still, in case of a flagrant crime to the national security regime as provided by law, of a terrorist act or attempt to perpetrate a terrorist act or the preparatory acts of such a crime, if provided by law, SRI officers may detain the perpetrator and hand him/her to the responsible legal authorities together with the certificate of incumbency and all material evidence.
The Romanian Intelligence Service is a public institution, completely financed from the state budget - see provisions in Art. 42 of Law 14/1992 on the organization and activity of the Romanian Intelligence Service, subsequently modified and completed, and Art. 62, paragraph (1) a) in Law 500/2002 on public finances, subsequently modified and completed.
SRI’s budget, annually approved by budgetary laws, is published in the Official Monitor – Part 1. Information on the budget and balance sheet are also published on our website,
According to the provisions of Art. 67 in Law 500/2002, subsequently modified and completed, “the Government can approve the establishment of activities completely finance from the own budget of some public institutions […] also establishing the fields of activity, how these activities are organized, and categories of income and nature of expenses.”
Therefore, pursuant to Government decision no. 1411/2004 authorizing activities completely financed from the revenues obtained by SRI, subsequently modified and completed, SRI has been authorized to engage in such activities in the following fields:
- Research, design and manufacture of systems and equipment for registering, stocking, transmitting and protecting information;
- Technical expertise, consultancy and training of specialists in defense, public order and national security;
- Assessment and certification of cryptographic systems and cryptographic communication devices.
According to legal provisions, the revenues financing the above mentioned activities come from their payments, donations and sponsorships, and other types of payments within the legal framework. The revenues and expenses budget for activities completely financed from revenues obtained by SRI is issued and approved at the same time with the budget of SRI, pursuant to provisions of Law 500/2002.
Human Resources
Details regarding employment within SRI can be found at Careers Section, where an online form can be filled in. Also, information can be requested at the Department for the Relationship with the Citizens in Bucharest, Libertatii Bvd., no. 14, Sector 5, at the headquarters of intelligence county centers or one can send a request to the e-mail address of the central human resources department, [email protected].
SRI offers the possibility to all its employees to work in a motivating environment, to develop and contribute to unique projects or to cooperate in important missions, alongside with experts from famous partner services. Moreover, the employees benefit from some rewarding possibilities according to the law, they can enroll in highly specialized training programs, but also benefit from our own recovery facilities.
As SRI is a budgetary institution, the personnel income is calculated according to the law of unitary wage scale and of normative bills of annual wage scale. Those who choose a career within SRI benefit from a military position pay, rank pay, gradation, food military quota, equipment pay and, depending on the field of activity, they benefit from some rights that are offered to reward special work conditions in which they perform their activity. As the personnel advances in rank and position or according to their professional performance, the salary can rise.
The selection process consists of going through several eliminatory stages, which include selection interviews, professional, psychological and medical examinations and, if needed, foreign languages, general knowledge and IT testing. Given the fact that working for SRI means working with classified documents, a security clearance is needed, according to national legislation.
Due to the complexity of the required steps, the selection process usually lasts between 6 and 9 months, depending on the line of work.
Depending on seniority, the Service’s military personal is entitled to 32 or 38 calendar days’ leave per year and it can plan its holidays at its convenience. Moreover, the current legal framework also stipulates other rights such as the right to study leave, maternity leave, childcare leave, sick leave, unpaid leave, as well as leaves of absence for important events such as marriage, the birth of a child or other personal events.
According to the law applicants are required to have no previous convictions by final court decisions for criminal offences committed with or without intent, they should not have served prison sentences for criminal offences committed by negligence, even if they have benefit from pardon or amnesty.
According to legal provisions and to the agreement signed when entering the SRI, after leaving the Service the employees are required to observe the confidentiality of the data and information concerning the specific activities they were involved in or they had knowledge about.
The requirements for retirement are those stipulated in the current legislation. According to the Law no. 223/2015 on military retirement pay system, as further amended and modified, the standard retirement age for military personnel is 60, less than the standard age for retirement in the civil sector (65 for men and 63 for women) due to the specific nature of their activity. Depending on the concrete activity they performed, the standard retirement age for military employees can be further reduced.
In the Romanian Intelligence Service both male and female employees carry out the same types of activities.
Standard working time is 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, but in the case of certain lines of activity working hours can be more flexible. In some cases the employees’ presence is required after working hours, at the weekend or during legal holidays.
We offer our employees the opportunity to capitalize on their skills at different levels across the organization’s hierarchy. A career counselor helps employees find their career path in management or subordinate positions and to identify the right opportunities.
If the employees’ abilities and skills can be put to better value elsewhere within the Service, we fully support their professional reorientation by providing training courses and the exchange of good practices with partner organizations. We are therefore committed to helping them reach the highest level of professionalism, regardless of their specific line of activity.
National Security
The security culture is a set of values, customs and social behaviors of a group of people, the role of which is to defend and protect the individual, group and state from a number of risks and threats, as well as from actual and potential acts of aggression. How citizens perceive security significantly affects the management of domestic developments by the competent organizations.
The mission of the Romanian Intelligence Service is not to monitor people, but to identify, prevent and counter threats to national security.
According to general legal provisions, the main threats include espionage activities on the Romanian territory, transnational organized crime, terrorism, activities undermining the rule of law and other actions or inactions that are likely to jeopardize Romania’s strategic interests and impact on the country’s natural resources.
Any citizen who learns of such situations can contact the Citizen Relations office by accessing the Contact
All the information will be thoroughly analyzed in line with the Romanian Intelligence Service’s legal responsibilities.
The relevant aspects that can play a decisive role in terms of national security are harnessed by the Service in the process of enforcing the specific laws governing the field of intelligence, and the aspects related to the perpetration of a crime are communicated to the criminal prosecution bodies.
Even though Romania does not currently face any direct or explicit threat, we cannot completely rule out the risk that such event might occur on our country’s territory. Due to the preventive approach and the joint efforts of the institutions within the National System for the Prevention and Countering of Terrorism, we are able to maintain the “blue” – cautious terrorist alert level.
The terrorist alert level is recommended by the Director of the Romanian Intelligence Service and approved by the Supreme Council of National Defense (CSAT).
Suspicions of a terrorist risk can be shared with us by calling the antiterrorist hotline. SRI carefully examines all suspicions of which it is informed. To this end it employs important resources, so please use this phone number responsibly. We should mention that giving warning without reason is punishable by law.
We advise you to inform the airport security staff of the existence of the metallic implant. A medical letter certifying the surgical procedure and the insertion of the metallic implant can also be useful for security check purposes. However, such document is not mandatory and, if the metallic device triggers the alarm while walking through the metal detector, the necessary additional checks will be performed, including body checks or the use of explosive trace detection equipment at the security checkpoint or in the specially-designed booth.
Having the medical document translated to a widely spoken language can also be useful for security checks at other European airports.
Although espionage or organized crime are seen mainly in movies, such activities are indeed conducted every day in real life and anyone can become subject to them either of their own free will or not. SRI encourages all Romanian citizens to be alert to the particular interest that someone can show towards them in direct contact or in the virtual environment and promptly signal these suspicions to the competent authorities.
Phone interceptions are conducted with the strict observance of legal provisions, in well-motivated cases of threats to the national security, based on warrants issued by judges of the High Court of Cassation and Justice, valid for six months.
The information on the private life, honor or reputation of individuals, uncovered incidentally, while gathering data of national security cannot be made public.
All personal data held by SRI are erased or destroyed if, as a result of carrying out activities stipulated by the law, it is found that the data are incorrect, if suspicions are not confirmed or the data are not of interest for the national security. The data supplied with the consent of the individual in order to carry out security vetting as stipulated by the law are an exception to the rule.
According to the law, all the data gathered or managed within the intelligence work, including personal data, are classified as state secrets and are protected accordingly.
In order to carry out its mission, SRI has access to the databases of other authorities and public institutions as stipulated by law, with the strict observance of citizens’ rights and freedoms.
Public Communication
Public interest information can be any information referring to the activities or resulting from the activities of a public authority or institution.
Yes, but only if the information is related to the capacity of the person to hold a public function.
Access to classified information depends on whether one has a security document issued by the leader of the institution holding such information. The certificate is issued on a need-to-know basis, and is based on the security clearance issued by the National Registry Office for Classified Information (ORNISS). Access to restricted information is granted in accordance with the authorization issued by the head of the institution where the respective person is employed.
Documents are classified according to legal provisions regarding classified information protection, namely Law no. 182/2002 on the protection of classified information, as further amended and modified, and Romania’s National Standards on the Protection of Classified Information, approved by Government Decision no. 585 of 13.06.2002, as further amended and modified.
Given the circumstances, documents can be declassified under the limitative and express provisions of article 20 of the National Standards if:
a) the classification period has expired;
b) its disclosure shall not endanger national security and defense, public order or the interests of private or public legal persons holding it;
c) the classification level has been assigned by an unauthorized person.
In case none of these conditions is fulfilled, the request shall be rejected.
In order to initiate legal proceedings and put to advantage certain rights during a trial court, documents can be also submitted in the classified form for further analysis in compliance with the current legal provisions, on condition that the documents are considered valuable in solving a trial case.
Public interest information can be any information referring to the activities or resulting from the activities of a public authority or institution. Classified information is not public interest information. Any natural or legal person, Romanian or foreign citizen, is entitled to request for public interest information. Private data are of public interest only when they impact on the capacity of the occupier to carry on a public position.
SRI publishes the Intelligence magazine which is posted online at Moreover, within the educational projects on national security, SRI disseminates leaflets describing its activity and giving information on how Romanian citizens can contribute to the identification, prevention, and countering of the threats to national security.
You can find more information on the organization and functioning of SRI, the rights and obligations of SRI personnel, as well as on the position and role of the institution within the defense, public order, and national security system by visiting the Legislation section.
SRI was set up by Decree no. 181/ 25.03.1990 of the Provisional Council of National Unity (CPUN). By article 45 of Law no. 14/1992 on the organization and functioning of SRI, our institution was entitled to take over the national security archives of the former Romanian secret services for further preservation and administration.
Following the revision of the national legislation, SRI was assigned with legal attributions regarding the transfer of the archives to the National Council for the Study of the Securitate (CNSAS), first by Law no. 187/1999, later on by Government Emergency Ordinance no. 24/2008 on one’s access to his/her own files and disclosure of the Securitate. Our institution complied with its new obligations.
Given the above mentioned information, in order to answer such a request it is necessary to contact the National Council for the Study of the Securitate, the current owner of the archives that belonged to the state secret services during the communist regime.
Yes. SRI has official accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Pinterest and one can find public interest information there.
You can find all the required information for contacting SRI using the contact section
Although SRI does not organize visits for the public, the population can take part in special events (on the occasion of academic events, open days, meetings with various civil categories etc.). In line with the Government Decision 585/2002, access to locations where state secrets are being handled is strictly forbidden to those who do not hold a security certificate.
Depending on the activity schedule of SRI’s top management, the Service shall consider the opportunity to grant an audience or set up a meeting with a representative of the institution. The person interested to take part in such an audience or meeting shall be contacted later to agree with the details of the event.
Furthermore, one should be aware that the topics of discussion for these meetings can be written and submitted either on the official e-mail of the Service, if appropriate, or in a sealed envelope to the Public Relations Office. These topics shall be presented to the management of the institution for further analysis in compliance with the Service’s legal competences. Be advised that according to its legal obligations, SRI shall take the necessary measures to preserve national security and promote the interests of the Romanian state. It will also inform the competent state beneficiaries with regard to potential aspects of interest.
You can contact SRI’s Public Relations Office to report any suspicions regarding irregularities in the activity of the institution or of its representatives.
Moreover, the law guarantees the right of every person to address to the Joint Standing Committee of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate for the exercise of parliamentary control over the activity of the Romanian Intelligence Service. This can be done whenever you believe your rights and freedoms have been infringed upon by the use of intelligence gathering means or if you are aware that SRI has breached the Constitution or other legal provisions during its activity.
Furthermore, according to the Constitution, anyone can resort to the legal means available in order to defend his/her legitimate rights, freedoms and interests.
Protection of Classified Information
At the request of natural and legal persons in the private sector, SRI offers specialized consultancy services for the protection of classified information held by the former. It also provides consultancy on the prevention of information leaks. Specialized assistance is offered at cost.
Specialized assistance is provided free of charge to natural and legal persons from the private sector that honor orders for the state, limited to the duration of the respective orders, and also to the ones performing research or production activities regarding matters of national interest.
As provided by art. 162 and 163 from the national Standards approved through Government Decision no. 585/2002, security interviews may be conducted in order to discuss in detail certain aspects resulting from the verifications performed previously.
Specialized assistance in the field of classified information protection can be requested in writing from the county intelligence directorates or from the Citizen Relations Office at the Service headquarters.
At the request of natural and legal persons in the private sector, SRI offers specialized consultancy services for the protection of classified information held by the former. It also provides consultancy on the prevention of information leaks. Specialized assistance is offered at cost.
Specialized assistance is provided free of charge to natural and legal persons from the private sector that honor orders for the state, limited to the duration of the respective orders, and also to the ones performing research or production activities regarding matters of national interest.
As stated by the security regulations applicable on the component of protecting the information generating sources – INFOSEC, the computers used for processing and storing state classified information must be accredited by the National Registry Office for Classified Information.
The transport of official classified or unclassified documents can be provided by the SRI for public institutions and authorities, economic agents with partly or entirely state owned capital, and other private or public persons, holding such information. In order to benefit from the classified correspondence collection, transport, distribution and protection system organized by the SRI’s specialized units, it is necessary to fill in a form (link to form). Afterwards, the form becomes a restricted document, according to the Government Decision 1349/2002. For further information, please access the „Practical Guide for the Collection, Transport, Distribution and Protection of Classified Correspondence”.
The concept of Integrated Physical Security is operationalized within the structures specialized in ensuring the physical security of the institution’s premises and units, as well as of SRI dignitaries, and in providing a complete portfolio of turnkey services for organizing and complying with the legal obligations regarding fire defense and civil protection.
Missions are organized, planned and coordinated in a unified, modern concept, based on technologization, monitoring and intervention. The implementation of this concept ensures a quick and complete response to physical security incidents and events.
The concept is built on a flexible solution for the dynamic allocation of the human resource, depending on the periodic assessment of physical security risks and current protection needs. A central component of this approach is the strengthening of the first responder function, by extending patrols and first emergency intervention missions to the premises and units of the Romanian Intelligence Service.
Amid increased global security risks, the need for an integrated national approach to crisis management has been stressed.
In this context, within SRI crisis management is carried out by a dedicated department that provides the necessary decision support to coordinate SRI’s units and relates with the other institutions of the national defense system and the authorities of the Romanian state, NATO and EU to correlate institutional efforts in the field of crisis management with European and Euro-Atlantic policies and guidelines.
At the same time, the courses of action involve organizing/participating in joint exercises that over time have proven to be useful training and tools for verifying the action potential in case of emergencies, harmonizing the action procedures and developing cooperation with professional emergency services, as well as with other institutions that ensure the management of different types of risks.
Decision-makers and employees of all entities that could be facing threats regarding national security: central and local public authorities and institutions, strategic companies with state and/or private capital and other such public or private entities.
The awareness activities are free of charge and may vary in format, depending on the specifics of the activity: conferences, colloquia, workshops, lectures, trainings.
- raising the awareness regarding the risks and vulnerabilities to state institutions and economic agents that can be exploited by hostile entities;
- building and strengthening the security culture by developing personal mechanisms of reaction and defense;
- the acquisition of best practices by the beneficiaries of the Program.
Professional training
University, masters and PhD degrees can be obtained at the „Mihai Viteazul” National Intelligence Academy (ANIMV). For further details, please access the ANIMV website:
SRI supports and promotes students’ professional training and development through internship programs. Internships are based on a partnership agreement signed by the SRI and the respective university, or based on the framework-protocol regarding internships for university/masters study programs, signed by the Service, the respective university and the student. The internship follows the curriculum and is based on an internship portfolio drawn up by the student's university.
After receiving their degree, the graduates are employed as officers in one of the SRI units. The institution expects that the graduates fulfill their attributions in a professional manner.
Social media