Serviciul Roman de Informatii

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You have the following options of contacting us

The Public Relations Office is the structure that provides the main institutional contact point for the transmission of petitions submitted under Government Ordinance no. 27/2002 regulating petition solving, with its subsequent amendments and additions, as well as of requests made under Law no. 544/2001 on free access to information of public interest, with its subsequent amendments and additions.


  • Phone numbers: 0377.723.671; 0785.259.748
  • E-mail address: [email protected]
  • Address: 14 Libertății Boulevard, 5th District, Bucharest
  • PO Box 15 - 925, Bucharest

Public working hours:

  • Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 09:00 – 14:00
  • Tuesday: 09:00 – 12:00; 16:00 – 18:00

The Press Office and the Spokesperson represent the SRI interface with representatives of media and public.

They ensure the flow of public information to the media in all situations involving SRI's activity.

In order to correctly inform the public, the Press Office releases to media materials on current topics of interest, relevant to our line of activity.

Depending on the nature and amount of requested information, in accordance with the Law 544/2001 on the free access to information of public interest, the Press Office will reply verbally or in writing to all SRI-accredited journalists’ requests, without discrimination and as soon as possible.

Journalists may submit requests for accreditation to the email address [email protected]. This should include the request for accreditation and copies of the ID cards, passport and updated press pass.

Please find below the phone numbers, email address and the address of the SRI Press Office.

Phone no. 0377.721.017

email address: [email protected]
14 Libertăţii Boulevard, 5th District, Bucharest


Ovidiu Marincea Spokesperson
[email protected]
[email protected]

SRI’s higher education institution that trains intelligence officers, analysts and experts.

20, Odai Street, 1st district, Bucharest
Telephone: 0377.721.296
Working program from Monday to Friday 09:00-14:00
Fax: 0377.721.125
E-mail: [email protected]

Learn more about the Academy

DRI Moldova Nord

PIaşi, str. Sfântul Lazăr nr. 3, jud. Iaşi, telefon 0377732500

DRI Moldova Sud

Galați, Calea Prutului nr. 1, jud. Galaţi, telefon 0377736500

DRI Dobrogea

Constanţa, str. Atelierelor nr. 3, jud. Constanţa, telefon 0377741500

DRI Bucureşti

Bucureşti, Str. Paciurea nr. 10, sector 2, telefon 0377724805 (pentru relaţii cu cetăţenii vă invităm să folosiţi datele de contact ale sectorului de profil)

DRI Muntenia

Ploieşti, str. Stadionului nr. 24, jud. Prahova, telefon 0377744500

DRI Oltenia

Craiova, str. Amaradia nr. 32, jud. Dolj, telefon 0377751500

DRI Centru

Braşov, str. Prundului nr.10, jud. Braşov, 0377768500

DRI Transilvania Sud

Sibiu, str. Revoluţiei nr. 8, jud. Sibiu, telefon 0377769500

DRI Banat

Timişoara, Calea Sever Bocu nr. 47, jud. Timiş, telefon 0377756500

DRI Transilvania Vest

Cluj-Napoca, str. Traian nr. 27, jud. Cluj, telefon 0377764500

DRI Maramureş

Baia Mare, B-dul. Republicii, nr. 55, jud. Maramureş, telefon 0377762500

0800.800.100 - Anti-Terrorist Hotline

Since March 20th, 2004 a free of charge telephone number is available at SRI’s Anti-Terrorist Operational Coordination Center (CCOA). Citizens can call and notify about possible terrorist risks. Operators will attend calls 24/7.

Main categories of relevant information:

  • Individuals interested in obtaining substances that could be used for terrorist purposes;
  • Individuals who illegally manufacture, possess, transport or handle weapons, ammunition or substances that could be used for terrorist purposes;
  • Actions aimed at disturbing the functioning of high importance strategic objectives;
  • Repeated or prolonged presence of unauthorized persons in the proximity of locations that could become targets of terrorist attacks (foreign diplomatic missions, the headquarters of international institutions etc.)
  • The inexplicable interest of certain individuals in studying or obtaining data regarding locations relevant from a social and economic point of view;
  • Persons who film or take photos of objectives where this is forbidden;
  • A vehicle stationed for a long time and without a reason in the proximity of high importance objectives, diplomatic missions and / or other crowded places;
  • Civilians who monitor crowded places (train or metro stations, airports, large commercial centers, touristic, sports or cultural sites);
  • If, without apparent reason, someone asks you or other people questions about the working hours of certain institutions, rush hours, the change of guard at embassies etc.;
  • Individuals who examine railroads, roads, metro or air transport routes attentively, without plausible reasons for doing so.