Serviciul Roman de Informatii


Statements sent to the Committee for the exercise of parliamentary control over the activity of SRI
20 October 2017

The director of the Romanian Intelligence Service, Mr Eduard Hellvig, has decided this week on three statements to be forwarded to the Parliamentary Oversight Committee of SRI regarding the latest details made public with respect to the activity of the Service.

The first statement refers to the request of another parliamentary entity, The Special Inquiry Committee of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate for verifying issues related to the 2009 elections and the results of the presidential ballot.

In this statement, SRI provided explanations for the classified nature of the documents sent previously and submitted further unclassified information which can be sent by the Committee for the control of the SRI to the Special Committee.

The second statement refers to the affirmations made public regarding the management of SIPA (the Intelligence Service of the Ministry of Justice) archives and SRI has provided the Committee with a complete report regarding this subject.

The last statement refers to the public exposure of the assertions of Lt.col. (r) DRAGOMIR DANIEL. In this case, SRI has requested the Control Committee to provide any solid elements it might have in its possession, in order for thorough investigations and inquiries to be made by an internal committee which has already been appointed by the SRI Director, Mr Eduard Hellvig.

SRI continues to stand firm with regard to ensuring institutional transparency and observing the internal evaluation and control procedures.